Saturday, July 26, 2008

Glowing Skin

Your skin is important, protective, fascinating and beautiful. Treat your skin with care, loyalty and delicate hands. Here are a few tips to help you achieve the glowing skin you have always desired.

*Apply lip balm and lotion immediately after you shower and before you go to bed for extra smooth and silky lips and legs.

*To exfoliate chapped lips, dampen a cotton swab and gently rub until your lips feel smooth. A toothbrush will also work. You may want to use vaseline or other lip balm as a lubricant. Definitely apply a moisturizing lip balm immediately after exfoliating.

*Gently EXFOLIATE your skin before applying sunless tanner. (In my experience, sunless tanner works better if skin is moisturized also. However, this is a time for mini-trial applications to find what works best for you.)

*Or get an even tan with sunless tanning formulas by mixing the tanner in with a firming lotion or cream.

*If you find a streak after the sunless tanner has already dried, simply use whitening toothpaste (or lemon juice) on the problem area to lighten the tanner. If you get excess tanner on your skin and notice it right away, simply use an alcohol wipe like an eraser.

*Apply SPF daily, and wear your sunglasses when you are outside (even on cloudy days).

*Apply Vitamin E oil on legs at least once a week for even sexier legs.

*Exfoliate legs before you shave. It will help give you a smooth, clean shave and super silky legs. Moisturize legs thoroughly after you pat dry.

*Sugar and baking soda can be used as natural exfoliants. Just make sure you rinse thoroughly and moisturize after! Exfoliating your face and body once a week will really help your skin glow!

*You can create your own spa-quality facial masks in your own kitchen using a blend of apples, oranges, potatoes, oatmeal, bananas, carrots, grapes, yogurt, avocados, honey and/or cucumbers. Remember to test the formula in a tiny area before you use it on your entire face in case you develop an allergic reaction.

Apples and Tomatoes: Good for oily skin
Oranges/ lemons (harsher than oranges): Cleansers and refreshers
Potatoes: Skin-brighteners, reduces the appearance of redness
Oatmeal: Gentle on dry skin
Grapes: Good for fine lines
Avocados: Good for dry skin, also good for hair
Honey: Softens skin
Cucumbers: Calming skin-brightener, great for eye puffiness and circles
Pamper yourself today!
(c) 2008 CB All rights reserved.

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